New Moon Cycle in Sidereal Taurus: Aligning with our true value

On the 22nd of May the New Moon happened in sidereal Taurus and for the next four weeks this cycle is assisting us to become congruent. One of the challenges on our evolutionary path is for our external situations (related to health, money, relationships, work, immediate environment) to match our values and desires. Living a congruent life is a Soul desire that constantly propels us to recognise what we truly, deeply value (as opposed to the inherited value system of our culture) and then to take the necessary steps in order for our life and our every day choices to match this desire.
During the previous Aries cycle that has just ended we got in touch with our ways / patterns of living that stem from our beliefs based on “lack”. Much of what we strive for in our day to day lives is based on values inherited from the patriarchy. We seek to achieve / get the things that we believe we lack from and “should” have. This inherited pattern is designed in such way so that we will destroy, overlook, step over the very thing that we truly desire so that we can recognise that we are out of alignment. This pattern we see at play in the world now where our collective greed has been leading us to destroy our natural resources – the true source of our abundance. This pattern is deeply ingrained in all of us and we are continually called to recognise how it plays out in each of our lives.
So following the Aries cycle, the Taurus cycle that has just started is offering us the healing opportunity to align our actions with that which we truly value and desire which is actually the same as the actual value of our core essence, our true source of abundance that is within each of us.
Read my short astrological report below to find out more about the specific energies of this New Moon. If you want to discover how to best navigate the energies of this cycle, creating lasting change in your life contact me to book a coaching session.
Follow this link for Zuzanna Vee’s article on healing the age of Taurus wounding
New Moon in Taurus sidereal Astrology report
Friday 22 May 2020
Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn are all retrograde in Capricorn and they are in trine with the Sun and Moon in Taurus. We are being invited to grow and transform (Jupiter / Pluto) in relationship to our goals (Sun) and needs (Moon) and Saturn is asking us to put the right systems / practices in place in order to accomplish them. All three being in retrograde in Capricorn are introducing reflection, patience, careful planning and taking one step at a time. The Mars in Aquarius square with the Sun and Moon also warns us against our tendency to act impulsively and impatiently.
Venus is in retrograde in Taurus and is in conjunction with Mercury. They are assisting us with taking time to reflect on and become conscious of what our true value and desire is which then informs the goals of the Sun. At the same time Neptune in Aquarius is in square with Mercury and Venus and warns us of our addiction to old ways of thinking and getting lost in the big picture that we can’t control.
In a nutshell, in order to take advantage of the healing opportunity of this New Moon cycle to live congruently with our true value we need to put in the work to create the right foundation for long lasting change, patiently and methodically, we need to address issues at their core and resist the temptation to act impulsively following old thought patterns.
With love and blessings for courage to keep choosing what we truly desire